Mul­ti­phase pumps are suc­cess­fully used for on­shore ap­pli­ca­tions around the world. The tech­nol­ogy has be­come firmly es­tab­lished among the global oil and gas pro­duc­ers since it al­lows pro­duc­tion to be main­tained on small oil fields with de­clin­ing pro­duc­tion as well as mak­ing the re­duc­tion of the flar­ing of pe­tro­leum gas pos­si­ble as a con­tri­bu­tion to a clean en­vi­ron­ment.

L4 range


Mul­ti­phase pump tech­ni­cal data

Ca­pac­ity Max. 5,000 m³/h (755.300 bpd)
Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure Max. 150 bar (2.175 psi)
Vis­cos­ity Max. 150,000 cSt
Op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture Max. 350° C (662° F)

Ap­pli­ca­tion ex­am­ples

Mul­ti­phase pump­skid in North­ern Africa
Mul­ti­phase sys­tem at an oil field near the Caspian Sea