Privacy Policy

Gen­eral in­for­ma­tion on data pro­cess­ing

I. Name and ad­dress of the per­son re­spon­si­ble

The per­son re­spon­si­ble for data pro­cess­ing on this web­site within the mean­ing of the Basic Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion is:

Michael Thum­mert

Leistritz AG
Mark­grafen­str. 36-39
90459 Nuern­berg

Phone: +49 (911) 4306-0
E-Mail: info@​leistritz.​com
Web­site: www.​leistritz.​com 

II. Scope of pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data

We only process per­sonal data of our users if this is nec­es­sary to pro­vide a web­site as well as our con­tents and ser­vices. The pro­cess­ing of our users' per­sonal data is ei­ther per­mit­ted by law or only with the user's con­sent.  

III. Legal basis for the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data

In­so­far as we ob­tain the con­sent of the data sub­ject for the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a EU Gen­eral Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR) serves as the legal basis. In the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data re­quired for the per­for­mance of a con­tract to which the data sub­ject is a party, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR serves as the legal basis. This also ap­plies to pro­cess­ing op­er­a­tions that are nec­es­sary to carry out pre-con­trac­tual mea­sures.

In­so­far as the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data is re­quired to ful­fil a legal oblig­a­tion to which our com­pany is sub­ject, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR serves as the legal basis. In the event that the vital in­ter­ests of the data sub­ject or an­other nat­ural per­son re­quire the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data, Ar­ti­cle 6(1)(d) GDPR serves as the legal basis.

If pro­cess­ing is nec­es­sary to safe­guard a le­git­i­mate in­ter­est of our com­pany or a third party and if the in­ter­ests, fun­da­men­tal rights and free­doms of the data sub­ject do not out­weigh the first-men­tioned in­ter­est, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR serves as the legal basis for pro­cess­ing.

IV. Data dele­tion and stor­age time

The per­sonal data of the per­son con­cerned will be deleted or blocked as soon as the pur­pose of stor­age ceases to apply. Fur­ther­more, data may be stored if this has been pro­vided for by the Eu­ro­pean or na­tional leg­is­la­tor in EU reg­u­la­tions, laws or other pro­vi­sions to which the per­son re­spon­si­ble is sub­ject. 

V. Rights of the per­son con­cerned

If per­sonal data are processed by you, you are per­son con­cerned within the mean­ing of the GDPR and you have the fol­low­ing rights in re­gards to the per­son in charge:

1. Right to in­for­ma­tion

You can ask the per­son in charge to con­firm whether per­sonal data con­cern­ing you will be processed by us. If such pro­cess­ing has taken place, you can re­quest the fol­low­ing in­for­ma­tion from the per­son re­spon­si­ble:

(1) the pur­poses for which the per­sonal data are processed;
(2) the cat­e­gories of per­sonal data being processed;
(3) the re­cip­i­ents or cat­e­gories of re­cip­i­ents to whom the per­sonal data con­cern­ing you have been or are still being dis­closed;
(4) the planned du­ra­tion of the stor­age of the per­sonal data con­cern­ing you or, if spe­cific in­for­ma­tion on this is not pos­si­ble, cri­te­ria for de­ter­min­ing the stor­age pe­riod;
(5) the ex­is­tence of a right to rec­ti­fi­ca­tion or dele­tion of per­sonal data con­cern­ing you, a right to lim­i­ta­tion of pro­cess­ing by the con­troller or a right to ob­ject to such pro­cess­ing;
(6) the ex­is­tence of a right of ap­peal to a su­per­vi­sory au­thor­ity;
(7) any avail­able in­for­ma­tion on the ori­gin of the data if the per­sonal data are not col­lected from the data sub­ject;
(8) the ex­is­tence of au­to­mated de­ci­sion-mak­ing in­clud­ing pro­fil­ing in ac­cor­dance with Art. 22 para. 1 and 4 GDPR and - at least in these cases - mean­ing­ful in­for­ma­tion on the logic in­volved and the scope and in­tended ef­fects of such pro­cess­ing for the data sub­ject.

You have the right to re­quest in­for­ma­tion as to whether the per­sonal data con­cern­ing you is trans­ferred to a third coun­try or to an in­ter­na­tional or­gan­i­sa­tion. In this con­text, you may re­quest to be in­formed of the ap­pro­pri­ate guar­an­tees pur­suant to Art. 46 GDPR in con­nec­tion with the trans­mis­sion.

2. The right to cor­rec­tion

You have a right of rec­ti­fi­ca­tion and/or com­ple­tion to­wards the data con­troller if the per­sonal data processed con­cern­ing you are in­cor­rect or in­com­plete. The per­son re­spon­si­ble shall make the cor­rec­tion with­out delay.

3. Right to lim­i­ta­tion of pro­cess­ing

Under the fol­low­ing con­di­tions, you may re­quest that the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data con­cern­ing you be re­stricted:

(1) if you dis­pute the ac­cu­racy of the per­sonal data con­cern­ing you for a pe­riod that en­ables the data con­troller to ver­ify the ac­cu­racy of the per­sonal data;
(2) the pro­cess­ing is un­law­ful and you refuse to delete the per­sonal data and in­stead re­quest that the use of the per­sonal data be re­stricted;
(3) the data con­troller no longer needs the per­sonal data for the pur­poses of the pro­cess­ing, but you do need them to as­sert, ex­er­cise or de­fend legal claims, or
(4) if you have filed an ob­jec­tion to the pro­cess­ing pur­suant to Art. 21 para. 1 GDPR and it has not yet been de­ter­mined whether the le­git­i­mate rea­sons of the per­son re­spon­si­ble out­weigh your rea­sons.

If the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data con­cern­ing you has been re­stricted, such data may only be processed - apart from being stored - with your con­sent or for the pur­pose of as­sert­ing, ex­er­cis­ing or de­fend­ing rights or pro­tect­ing the rights of an­other nat­ural or legal per­son or on grounds of an im­por­tant pub­lic in­ter­est of the Union or a Mem­ber State. 
If the pro­cess­ing re­stric­tion has been re­stricted ac­cord­ing to the above con­di­tions, you will be in­formed by the per­son re­spon­si­ble be­fore the re­stric­tion is lifted.

4. Right to can­cel­la­tion

a) Duty to delete

You may re­quest the data con­troller to delete the per­sonal data re­lat­ing to you with­out delay and the con­troller is obliged to delete this data with­out delay if one of the fol­low­ing rea­sons ap­plies:

(1) The per­sonal data con­cern­ing you are no longer nec­es­sary for the pur­poses for which they were col­lected or oth­er­wise processed.
(2) You re­voke your con­sent, on which the pro­cess­ing was based pur­suant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a or Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a GDPR, and there is no other legal basis for the pro­cess­ing.
(3) You file an ob­jec­tion against the pro­cess­ing pur­suant to Art. 21 para. 1 GDPR and there are no over­rid­ing le­git­i­mate rea­sons for the pro­cess­ing, or you file an ob­jec­tion against the pro­cess­ing pur­suant to Art. 21 para. 2 GDPR.
(4) The per­sonal data con­cern­ing you have been processed un­law­fully.
(5) The dele­tion of per­sonal data re­lat­ing to you is nec­es­sary to ful­fil a legal oblig­a­tion under Union law or the law of the Mem­ber States to which the data con­troller is sub­ject.
(6) The per­sonal data con­cern­ing you were col­lected in re­la­tion to in­for­ma­tion so­ci­ety ser­vices of­fered pur­suant to Art. 8 para. 1 GDPR.

(b) In­for­ma­tion to third par­ties

If the data con­troller has made the per­sonal data con­cern­ing you pub­lic and is obliged to delete it pur­suant to Art. 17 para. 1 GDPR, he shall take ap­pro­pri­ate mea­sures, in­clud­ing tech­ni­cal mea­sures, tak­ing into ac­count the avail­able tech­nol­ogy and the im­ple­men­ta­tion costs, to in­form data proces­sors who process the per­sonal data that you as the data sub­ject have re­quested the dele­tion of all links to this per­sonal data or of copies or repli­ca­tions of this per­sonal data.

(c) Ex­cep­tions

The right to can­cel­la­tion does not exist in­so­far as the pro­cess­ing is nec­es­sary

(1) to ex­er­cise free­dom of ex­pres­sion and in­for­ma­tion;
(2) for the per­for­mance of a legal oblig­a­tion re­quired for pro­cess­ing under the law of the Union or of the Mem­ber States to which the con­troller is sub­ject or for the per­for­mance of a task in the pub­lic in­ter­est or in the ex­er­cise of of­fi­cial au­thor­ity con­ferred on the con­troller;
(3) for rea­sons of pub­lic in­ter­est in the field of pub­lic health pur­suant to Art. 9 para. 2 lit. h and i and Art. 9 para. 3 GDPR;
(4) for archiv­ing pur­poses in the pub­lic in­ter­est, sci­en­tific or his­tor­i­cal re­search pur­poses or for sta­tis­ti­cal pur­poses pur­suant to Art. 89 para. 1 GDPR, in­so­far as the law re­ferred to under a) is likely to make it im­pos­si­ble or se­ri­ously im­pair the at­tain­ment of the ob­jec­tives of such pro­cess­ing, or
(5) to as­sert, ex­er­cise or de­fend legal claims.

5. Right to data trans­fer­abil­ity

You have the right to re­ceive the per­sonal data con­cern­ing you that you have pro­vided to the per­son re­spon­si­ble in a struc­tured, com­mon and ma­chine-read­able for­mat. In ad­di­tion, you have the right to pass this data on to an­other per­son in charge with­out ob­struc­tion by the per­son in charge to whom the per­sonal data was pro­vided, pro­vided that

(1) pro­cess­ing is based on con­sent pur­suant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR or Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a GDPR or on a con­tract pur­suant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR and
(2) pro­cess­ing is car­ried out by means of au­to­mated meth­ods.

In ex­er­cis­ing this right, you also have the right to re­quest that the per­sonal data con­cern­ing you be trans­ferred di­rectly from one data con­troller to an­other data con­troller, in­so­far as this is tech­ni­cally fea­si­ble. The free­doms and rights of other per­sons must not be af­fected by this. The right to trans­fer­abil­ity shall not apply to the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data nec­es­sary for the per­for­mance of a task in the pub­lic in­ter­est or in the ex­er­cise of of­fi­cial au­thor­ity con­ferred on the con­troller.


6. Right of ob­jec­tion

You have the right to ob­ject at any time, for rea­sons aris­ing from your par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tion, to the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data con­cern­ing you under Ar­ti­cle 6(1)(e) or (f) of the DSBER; this also ap­plies to pro­fil­ing based on these pro­vi­sions. The data con­troller no longer processes the per­sonal data con­cern­ing you, un­less he can prove com­pelling rea­sons wor­thy of pro­tec­tion for the pro­cess­ing, which out­weigh your in­ter­ests, rights and free­doms, or the pro­cess­ing serves to as­sert, ex­er­cise or de­fend legal claims. If the per­sonal data con­cern­ing you are processed for di­rect mar­ket­ing pur­poses, you have the right to ob­ject at any time to the pro­cess­ing of the per­sonal data con­cern­ing you for the pur­pose of such ad­ver­tis­ing; this also ap­plies to pro­fil­ing, in­so­far as it is as­so­ci­ated with such di­rect mar­ket­ing.

If you ob­ject to the pro­cess­ing for di­rect mar­ket­ing pur­poses, the per­sonal data con­cern­ing you will no longer be processed for these pur­poses.

You have the pos­si­bil­ity to ex­er­cise your right of ob­jec­tion in con­nec­tion with the use of In­for­ma­tion So­ci­ety ser­vices by means of au­to­mated pro­ce­dures using tech­ni­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tions, notwith­stand­ing Di­rec­tive 2002/58/EC.

7. Right to re­voke the data pro­tec­tion de­c­la­ra­tion of con­sent

You have the right to re­voke your data pro­tec­tion de­c­la­ra­tion of con­sent at any time. The re­vo­ca­tion of con­sent shall not af­fect the le­gal­ity of the pro­cess­ing car­ried out on the basis of the con­sent until re­vo­ca­tion.

8. Right of ap­peal to a su­per­vi­sory au­thor­ity

With­out prej­u­dice to any other ad­min­is­tra­tive or ju­di­cial rem­edy, you have the right of ap­peal to a su­per­vi­sory au­thor­ity, in par­tic­u­lar in the Mem­ber State where you re­side, work or sus­pect of in­fringe­ment, if you be­lieve that the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data con­cern­ing you is con­trary to the GDPR.

The su­per­vi­sory au­thor­ity to which the com­plaint has been lodged shall in­form the com­plainant of the sta­tus and re­sults of the com­plaint, in­clud­ing the pos­si­bil­ity of a ju­di­cial rem­edy under Ar­ti­cle 78 GDPR.

Spe­cial in­for­ma­tion on data pro­cess­ing  

I. Name and ad­dress of data pro­tec­tion of­fi­cer

The data pro­tec­tion of­fi­cer of the per­son in charge is:


Data pro­tec­tion of­fi­cer

Leistritz AG
Mark­grafen­str. 36-39
90459 Nuern­berg

Phone: +49 (911) 4306-698
E-Mail: daten­schutz@​leistritz.​com
Web­site: www.​leistritz.​com

II. Pro­vi­sion of the web­site and cre­ation of log files

1. De­scrip­tion and scope of data pro­cess­ing

Every time you visit our web­site, our sys­tem au­to­mat­i­cally col­lects data and in­for­ma­tion from the com­puter sys­tem of the call­ing com­puter.

The fol­low­ing data is col­lected:

(1) In­for­ma­tion about the browser type and ver­sion used
(2) The user's op­er­at­ing sys­tem
(3) The In­ter­net ser­vice provider of the user
(4) The IP ad­dress of the user
(5) Date and time of ac­cess
(6) Web­sites from which the user's sys­tem reaches our web­site
(7) Web­sites ac­cessed by the user's sys­tem via our web­site

The data is also stored in the log files of our sys­tem. This data is not stored to­gether with other per­sonal data of the user.

2. Legal basis for data pro­cess­ing

The legal basis for the tem­po­rary stor­age of data and log files is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The le­git­i­mate in­ter­est in tem­po­rary stor­age of data and log files re­sults from the pur­poses of data pro­cess­ing (see 3.).

3 Pur­pose of data pro­cess­ing

The tem­po­rary stor­age of the IP ad­dress by the sys­tem is nec­es­sary to en­able the web­site to be de­liv­ered to the user's com­puter. For this the IP ad­dress of the user must re­main stored for the du­ra­tion of the ses­sion. The data is stored in log files to en­sure the func­tion­al­ity of the web­site. In ad­di­tion, the data serves us to op­ti­mize the web­site and to en­sure the se­cu­rity of our in­for­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy sys­tems. An eval­u­a­tion of the data for mar­ket­ing pur­poses does not take place in this con­text.

4 Du­ra­tion of stor­age

The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer nec­es­sary to achieve the pur­pose for which they were col­lected. In the case of the col­lec­tion of data for the pro­vi­sion of the web­site, this is the case when the re­spec­tive ses­sion has ended. If the data is stored in log files, this is the case after seven days at the lat­est. Fur­ther stor­age is pos­si­ble. In this case, the IP ad­dresses of the users are deleted or alien­ated, so that an as­sign­ment of the call­ing client is no longer pos­si­ble.

5. pos­si­bil­ity of op­po­si­tion and elim­i­na­tion

The col­lec­tion of data for the pro­vi­sion of the web­site and the stor­age of data in log files is ab­solutely nec­es­sary for the op­er­a­tion of the web­site.

III. Use of Cook­ies

1. De­scrip­tion and scope of data pro­cess­ing

Our web­site uses cook­ies. Cook­ies are text files that are stored in the In­ter­net browser or by the In­ter­net browser on the user's com­puter sys­tem. If a user vis­its a web­site, a cookie may be stored on the user's op­er­at­ing sys­tem. This cookie con­tains a char­ac­ter­is­tic char­ac­ter string that en­ables a unique iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the browser when the web­site is called up again.

We also use cook­ies on our web­site that en­able an analy­sis of the fre­quency of page views by users.

When ac­cess­ing our web­site, the user is in­formed about the use of cook­ies for an­a­lyt­i­cal pur­poses and his or her con­sent to the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data used in this con­text is ob­tained. In this con­text, ref­er­ence is also made to this data pro­tec­tion de­c­la­ra­tion.

2. Legal basis for data pro­cess­ing

The legal basis for the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data using tech­ni­cally nec­es­sary cook­ies is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The le­git­i­mate in­ter­est arises from the pur­pose of the data pro­cess­ing (see c. below). The legal basis for the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data using cook­ies for an­a­lyt­i­cal pur­poses is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

3. Pur­pose of data pro­cess­ing

The analy­sis cook­ies are used to im­prove the qual­ity of our web­site and its con­tent. Through the analy­sis cook­ies we learn how the web­site is used and can thus con­tin­u­ously op­ti­mize our offer.

4. Du­ra­tion of stor­age, pos­si­bil­ity of ob­jec­tion and elim­i­na­tion

Cook­ies are stored on the user's com­puter and trans­mit­ted to our site. There­fore, you as a user also have full con­trol over the use of cook­ies. You can de­ac­ti­vate or re­strict the trans­mis­sion of cook­ies by chang­ing the set­tings in your In­ter­net browser. Cook­ies that have al­ready been saved can be deleted by you at any time. This can also be done au­to­mat­i­cally. If cook­ies are de­ac­ti­vated for our web­site, it may no longer be pos­si­ble to use all func­tions of the web­site in full.

IV. Newslet­ter data and dis­patch via third par­ties (Clev­er­Reach)

1. De­scrip­tion and scope of data pro­cess­ing

You can sub­scribe to a free newslet­ter on our web­site. When reg­is­ter­ing for the newslet­ter, the fol­low­ing data from the input mask is trans­mit­ted to us.

Title, name and e-mail ad­dress

In ad­di­tion, the fol­low­ing data is col­lected upon reg­is­tra­tion:

(1) IP ad­dress of the call­ing com­puter
(2) Date and time of reg­is­tra­tion

In the course of the reg­is­tra­tion process, your con­sent is ob­tained for the pro­cess­ing of the data and ref­er­ence is made to this data pro­tec­tion de­c­la­ra­tion.

In con­nec­tion with data pro­cess­ing for the dis­patch of newslet­ters, the data is passed on to third par­ties. We use Clev­er­Reach to send the newslet­ters. The provider is Clever Reach GmbH & Co. KG, Mühlen­str. 43, 26180 Rast­ede. With this ser­vice we can or­ga­nize and an­a­lyze the send­ing of newslet­ters. Your in­for­ma­tion en­tered to sub­scribe to the newslet­ter, such as your email ad­dress, will be stored on Clever Reach's servers. Server lo­ca­tions are Ger­many and Ire­land.  The data will be used ex­clu­sively for send­ing the newslet­ter.

Send­ing newslet­ters with Clev­er­Reach al­lows us to an­a­lyze the be­hav­ior of the newslet­ter re­cip­i­ent. Among other things, the analy­sis shows how many re­cip­i­ents have opened their newslet­ter and how often links were clicked in the newslet­ter. Clev­er­Reach sup­ports con­ver­sion track­ing to an­a­lyze whether a pre­vi­ously de­fined ac­tion, such as a prod­uct pur­chase, has taken place after click­ing on a link. For de­tails on Clev­er­Reach's data analy­sis, see:


2. Legal basis for data pro­cess­ing

The legal basis for the pro­cess­ing of data after reg­is­tra­tion for the newslet­ter by the user and for trans­mis­sion via third par­ties (Clev­er­Reach) is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

3. Pur­pose of data pro­cess­ing

The col­lec­tion of the user's e-mail ad­dress and the dis­patch via the third party (Clev­er­Reach) serves to de­liver the newslet­ter. The col­lec­tion of other per­sonal data as part of the reg­is­tra­tion process serves to pre­vent mis­use of the ser­vices or the e-mail ad­dress used.

4. Du­ra­tion of stor­age

The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer nec­es­sary or will be re­voked in order to achieve the pur­pose for which it was col­lected. The user's email ad­dress and the data processed by Clever Reach will be stored as long as the sub­scrip­tion to the newslet­ter is ac­tive or is not can­celled. To un­sub­scribe, sim­ply send us an e-mail or use the un­sub­scribe link in the newslet­ter. 

The other per­sonal data col­lected dur­ing the reg­is­tra­tion process will gen­er­ally be deleted after a pe­riod of seven days.

5. Pos­si­bil­ity of op­po­si­tion and elim­i­na­tion

A re­vo­ca­tion of your al­ready given con­sent is pos­si­ble at any time. To can­cel your sub­scrip­tion, sim­ply send us an e-mail or un­sub­scribe via the "un­sub­scribe" link in the newslet­ter. The sub­scrip­tion to the newslet­ter can be can­celled by the user con­cerned at any time. For this pur­pose there is a cor­re­spond­ing link in every newslet­ter. This also makes it pos­si­ble to re­voke the con­sent to the stor­age of per­sonal data col­lected dur­ing the reg­is­tra­tion process.

V. Con­tact form

1. De­scrip­tion and scope of data pro­cess­ing

There is a con­tact form on our web­site which can be used for elec­tronic con­tact. If a user takes ad­van­tage of this pos­si­bil­ity, the data en­tered in the input mask will be trans­mit­ted to us and stored. This data is:

 Title, last name, e-mail ad­dress, sub­ject and mes­sage (manda­tory fields); first name, com­pany, po­si­tion, street, post­code, city and tele­phone num­ber (op­tional in­for­ma­tion)

 At the time the mes­sage is sent, the fol­low­ing data is also stored:

(1) Date and time of reg­is­tra­tion
(2) Ac­cep­tance of the pri­vacy pol­icy

Your con­sent is ob­tained for the pro­cess­ing of the data within the scope of the send­ing process and ref­er­ence is made to this data pro­tec­tion de­c­la­ra­tion. Al­ter­na­tively, you can con­tact us via the e-mail ad­dress pro­vided. In this case, the user's per­sonal data trans­mit­ted by e-mail will be stored. In this con­text, the data will not be passed on to third par­ties. The data is used ex­clu­sively for pro­cess­ing the con­ver­sa­tion.

2. Legal basis for data pro­cess­ing

The legal basis for the pro­cess­ing of data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR if the user has given his con­sent. The legal basis for the pro­cess­ing of data trans­mit­ted in the course of send­ing an e-mail is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The le­git­i­mate in­ter­est lies in the au­then­ti­ca­tion of your per­son and the es­tab­lish­ment of con­tact. If the e-mail con­tact aims at the con­clu­sion of a con­tract, then ad­di­tional legal basis for the pro­cess­ing is Art. 6 exp. 1 lit. b GDPR.

3. Pur­pose of data pro­cess­ing

The pro­cess­ing of the per­sonal data from the input mask serves us only for the treat­ment of the es­tab­lish­ment of con­tact. In the event of con­tact by e-mail, this also con­sti­tutes the nec­es­sary le­git­i­mate in­ter­est in the pro­cess­ing of the data. The other per­sonal data processed dur­ing the send­ing process serve to pre­vent mis­use of the con­tact form and to en­sure the se­cu­rity of our in­for­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy sys­tems.

4. Du­ra­tion of stor­age

The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer nec­es­sary to achieve the pur­pose for which they were col­lected. For the per­sonal data from the input mask of the con­tact form and those that were sent by e-mail, this is the case when the re­spec­tive con­ver­sa­tion with the user is fin­ished. The con­ver­sa­tion is ter­mi­nated when it can be in­ferred from the cir­cum­stances that the facts in ques­tion have been fi­nally clar­i­fied.

The ad­di­tional per­sonal data col­lected dur­ing the send­ing process will be deleted after a pe­riod of seven days at the lat­est.

5. Pos­si­bil­ity of op­po­si­tion and elim­i­na­tion

The user has the pos­si­bil­ity to re­voke his con­sent to the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data at any time. If the user con­tacts us by e-mail, he can ob­ject to the stor­age of his per­sonal data at any time. In such a case, the con­ver­sa­tion can­not be con­tin­ued.

All per­sonal data stored in the course of con­tact­ing us will be deleted in this case.

VI. Ap­pli­ca­tion form or ap­pli­ca­tion by e-mail

1. De­scrip­tion and scope of data pro­cess­ing

There is an ap­pli­ca­tion form on our web­site which can be used for elec­tronic ap­pli­ca­tions. If a user takes ad­van­tage of this pos­si­bil­ity, the data en­tered in the input mask will be trans­mit­ted to us and stored. This data is:

First name, sur­name, e-mail ad­dress, street, post­code, town, coun­try, cer­tifi­cates, cur­ricu­lum vitae, cover let­ter.

At the time the mes­sage is sent, the fol­low­ing data is also stored:

(1) Date and time of reg­is­tra­tion
(2) Ac­cep­tance of the data pro­tec­tion de­c­la­ra­tion

Your con­sent is ob­tained for the pro­cess­ing of the data within the scope of the send­ing process and ref­er­ence is made to this data pro­tec­tion de­c­la­ra­tion. Al­ter­na­tively, you can con­tact us via the e-mail ad­dress pro­vided. In this case, the user's per­sonal data trans­mit­ted by e-mail will be stored. In this con­text, the data will not be passed on to third par­ties. The data is used ex­clu­sively for pro­cess­ing the con­ver­sa­tion.

2. Legal basis for data pro­cess­ing

The legal basis for the pro­cess­ing of data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR if the user has given his con­sent. The legal basis for the pro­cess­ing of data trans­mit­ted in the course of send­ing an e-mail is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The le­git­i­mate in­ter­est lies in the au­then­ti­ca­tion of your per­son and the fa­cil­i­ta­tion of the ap­pli­ca­tion process. If the e-mail con­tact aims at the con­clu­sion of a con­tract, then ad­di­tional legal basis for the pro­cess­ing is Art. 6 exp. 1 lit. b GDPR.

3. Pur­pose of data pro­cess­ing

The pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data from the input mask serves us solely for the pro­cess­ing of the ap­pli­ca­tion. In the case of an ap­pli­ca­tion by e-mail, this also in­cludes the nec­es­sary le­git­i­mate in­ter­est in the pro­cess­ing of the data.​The other per­sonal data processed dur­ing the send­ing process serve to pre­vent mis­use of the ap­pli­ca­tion form and to en­sure the se­cu­rity of our in­for­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy sys­tems.

4. Du­ra­tion of stor­age

The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer nec­es­sary to achieve the pur­pose of their col­lec­tion, but at the lat­est after six months (AGG dead­line). For the per­sonal data from the input mask of the con­tact form and those that were sent by e-mail, this is the case when the re­spec­tive con­ver­sa­tion with the user is fin­ished. The con­ver­sa­tion is ter­mi­nated when it can be in­ferred from the cir­cum­stances that the facts in ques­tion have been fi­nally clar­i­fied.

The ad­di­tional per­sonal data col­lected dur­ing the send­ing process will be deleted after a pe­riod of seven days at the lat­est.

5. Pos­si­bil­ity of op­po­si­tion and elim­i­na­tion

The user has the pos­si­bil­ity to re­voke his con­sent to the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data at any time. If the user con­tacts us by e-mail, he can ob­ject to the stor­age of his per­sonal data at any time. In such a case, the con­ver­sa­tion can­not be con­tin­ued. All per­sonal data stored in the course of the ap­pli­ca­tion will then be deleted at the end of the six months.

VII. Use of YouTube

For in­te­gra­tion and dis­play of video con­tent our web­site uses plu­g­ins from YouTube. The video por­tal is pro­vided by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA.

When a page with an in­te­grated YouTube plu­gin is opened, a con­nec­tion to YouTube's servers is es­tab­lished. This will tell YouTube which of our pages you have vis­ited. YouTube can as­so­ci­ate your surf­ing be­hav­ior di­rectly with your per­sonal pro­file if you are logged into your YouTube ac­count. You can pre­vent this by log­ging out be­fore­hand.

The use of YouTube is in the in­ter­est of an ap­peal­ing pre­sen­ta­tion of our on­line of­fers. This rep­re­sents a le­git­i­mate in­ter­est within the mean­ing of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. De­tails on the han­dling of user data can be found in YouTube's pri­vacy pol­icy at: www.​google.​de/​intl/​de/​poli­cies/​pri­vacy.

VIII. Use of Google Maps

This page uses the map ser­vice Google Maps via an API. The provider is Google Inc, 1600 Am­phithe­atre Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA.

To use the func­tions of Google Maps it is nec­es­sary to save your IP ad­dress. This in­for­ma­tion is usu­ally trans­ferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. The provider of this site has no in­flu­ence on this data trans­mis­sion. The use of Google Maps is in the in­ter­est of an ap­peal­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tion of our on­line of­fers and at an easy find­abil­ity of the places in­di­cated by us on the web­site. This rep­re­sents a le­git­i­mate in­ter­est within the mean­ing of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO.

You can find more in­for­ma­tion on the han­dling of user data in Google's data pro­tec­tion de­c­la­ra­tion: www.​google.​de/​intl/​de/​poli­cies/​pri­vacy/.&​nbsp;

IX. Web analy­sis by Matomo (for­merly PIWIK)

1. Scope of the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data

On our web­site we use the open source soft­ware tool Matomo (for­merly PIWIK) to analyse the surf­ing be­hav­iour of our users. The soft­ware places a cookie on the user's com­puter (see above for cook­ies). If in­di­vid­ual pages of our web­site are ac­cessed, the fol­low­ing data is stored:

(1) Two bytes of the IP ad­dress of the user's call­ing sys­tem
(2) The ac­cessed web­site
(3) The web­site from which the user has ac­cessed the ac­cessed web­site (re­fer­rer)
(4) The sub-pages ac­cessed from the ac­cessed web­site
(5) The time spent on the web­site
(6) The fre­quency with which the web­site is ac­cessed

The soft­ware runs ex­clu­sively on the servers of our web­site. The per­sonal data of users is only stored there. The data will not be passed on to third par­ties.
The soft­ware is set so that the IP ad­dresses are not com­pletely stored, but 2 bytes of the IP ad­dress are masked (e.g.: 192.​168.​xxx.​xxx). In this way it is no longer pos­si­ble to as­sign the short­ened IP ad­dress to the call­ing com­puter.

3. Legal basis for the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data

The legal basis for pro­cess­ing users' per­sonal data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The le­git­i­mate in­ter­est lies in the analy­sis of surf­ing be­hav­iour and fur­ther de­vel­op­ment of the ser­vices pro­vided (see 3.). The pro­cess­ing of users' per­sonal data en­ables us to analyse the surf­ing be­hav­iour of our users. We are in a po­si­tion to com­pile in­for­ma­tion about the use of the in­di­vid­ual com­po­nents of our web­site by eval­u­at­ing the data ob­tained. This helps us to con­tin­u­ously im­prove our web­site and its user-friend­li­ness. For these pur­poses, it is also in our le­git­i­mate in­ter­est to process the data in ac­cor­dance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. By anonymiz­ing the IP ad­dress, users' in­ter­est in pro­tect­ing their per­sonal data is suf­fi­ciently taken into ac­count.

4 Du­ra­tion of stor­age

The anonymized data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer needed for our record­ing pur­poses. 

5. Pos­si­bil­ity of op­po­si­tion and elim­i­na­tion

Cook­ies are stored on the user's com­puter and trans­mit­ted to our site. There­fore, you as a user also have full con­trol over the use of cook­ies. You can de­ac­ti­vate or re­strict the trans­mis­sion of cook­ies by chang­ing the set­tings in your In­ter­net browser. Cook­ies that have al­ready been saved can be deleted at any time. This can also be done au­to­mat­i­cally. If cook­ies are de­ac­ti­vated for our web­site, it may no longer be pos­si­ble to use all func­tions of the web­site in full.

We offer our users on our web­site the pos­si­bil­ity of an opt-out from the analy­sis pro­ce­dure. To do this, you must fol­low the cor­re­spond­ing link .https://​piwik.​leistritz.​com/​index.​php?​mod​ule=Cor​eAdm​inHo​me&​act​ion=opt​Out&​lan­guage=de&​bac​kgro​undC​olor=&​font­Color=&​font­Size=&​font­Fam­ily=

In this way, an­other cookie is placed on your sys­tem, which sig­nals to our sys­tem not to store the user's data. If the user deletes the cor­re­spond­ing cookie from his own sys­tem in the mean­time, he must set the opt-out cookie again. More in­for­ma­tion about the pri­vacy set­tings of the Matomo soft­ware can be found under the fol­low­ing link: https://​matomo.​org/​docs/​pri­vacy/.