The elec­tric key­seat­ing ma­chine Leistritz Poly­jet 50 opens a new di­men­sion in pro­file and key­seat­ing tech­nol­ogy for the op­er­a­tor. Hy­draulics are omit­ted thanks to the lin­ear ac­tu­a­tor. This way both the amount of space it takes up and the noise level are re­duced con­sid­er­ably. This gen­er­a­tion of ma­chines has the same ca­pac­ity as sub­stan­tially more com­plex broach­ing ma­chines as well as the flex­i­bil­ity and econ­omy of a key­seat­ing ma­chine.

Ap­pli­ca­tions: feather key grooves, inner and outer pro­files, grooves in con­i­cal bore­holes, twist grooves, va­ri­eties of pro­file also in mid and large scale.

Tech­ni­cal de­tails

Work­piece di­am­e­ter 100 - 300 mm
Work piece length 400 mm
Groove width 50 mm
Base area 2,300 x 1,400 mm
Weight 10,000 kg
Ca­pac­ity 40 kW
