LWN 300 PM

The LWN 300 PM (Pow­er­Mill) is a CNC milling cen­ter that serves es­pe­cially to process oil pump ro­tors. The high­est level of pre­ci­sion is needed when pro­duc­ing oil pump ro­tors in order to con­stantly achieve high per­for­mance. Disc milling and self-gen­er­at­ing milling are united in this one ma­chine, which leads to bet­ter geome­tries and in­creases the sur­face qual­ity of the ro­tors at the same time.

This flex­i­ble ma­chine has the win­ning com­bi­na­tion of quick set-up (milling tool change in < 10 min­utes), very good ac­ces­si­bil­ity, bi­lat­eral tool mount­ing for high-qual­ity pro­files and sur­faces as well as high drive power on the milling drum for short ma­chin­ing times.


Tech­ni­cal de­tails

Work­piece di­am­e­ter 25 - 220 mm
Work piece length Cus­tomiz­able up to 8,000 mm max­i­mum
Ma­chine di­men­sions (LxWxH) 12,650 x 2,640 x 2,900 mm
Weight ap­prox. 45,000 kg
Ca­pac­ity 22 kW

Areas of ap­pli­ca­tion for this ma­chine