For cen­ter­less grind­ing, the work rest blade is one of the most im­por­tant pa­ra­me­ters in the grind­ing process next to the con­trol wheel and grind­ing disc. Pre­ci­sion, sur­face qual­ity and wear-re­sis­tant work rest blades are our guar­an­tee for high di­men­sional and geo­met­ri­cal ac­cu­racy in the work pieces that will be ground. Leistritz pro­duces work rest blades for all cen­ter­less grind­ing ma­chines for through-feed grind­ing and plunge cut grind­ing. We have been pro­duc­ing this type of tool for decades and there­fore have an enor­mous wealth of knowl­edge on de­sign­ing, con­struct­ing and fin­ish­ing this so­phis­ti­cated prod­uct.


The pro­ce­dure


De­pend­ing on your grind­ing needs, we can offer you more for even the small­est work pieces wait­ing to be ground: 

  • Bear­ing rails as through­feed rails, prism rails, plunge cut rails and step rails
  • made of hard­ened steel or Ampco
  • or steel fit­ted with car­bide or PCD