Whirling tools

We offer tools that are op­ti­mally adapted for the Leistritz whirling ma­chines. Since we are a process sup­plier with sys­tem re­spon­si­bil­ity, you re­ceive cus­tom-fit qual­ity prod­ucts man­u­fac­tured with pre­cise work­man­ship. In this, you ben­e­fit from our ex­ten­sive know-how in ap­pli­ca­tion tech­nol­ogy. We are happy to as­sist you in find­ing the right tool so­lu­tion.

Re­grind­ing ser­vice for whirling in­serts

Where man­u­fac­tur­ing is con­cerned, long dura­bil­ity and high pro­duc­tiv­ity are key. If it comes to wear of in­serts, we help with our re­grind­ing ser­vice: Have your whirling in­serts re­ground and keep your whirling tools ser­vice­able more quickly and with less ex­penses.


Key­seat­ing cut­ters

Based on our many years' ex­pe­ri­ence, we have an ex­ten­sive ap­pli­ca­tion know-how. When it comes to the de­liv­ery of key­seat­ing cut­ters, we will be happy to ad­vise you. Stan­dard cut­ters can be de­liv­ered off the shelf. In this, we are not lim­ited to our own cut­ters, rather we also sup­ply key­seat­ing cut­ters from other man­u­fac­tur­ers.

Of course we also pro­vide our well-proven re­grind­ing ser­vice for key­seat­ing cut­ters. Please con­tact us!