To round off our range of prod­ucts, we are man­u­fac­tur­ing an in­creas­ing num­ber of parts for air­craft en­gine cas­ing as well as other struc­tural parts for avi­a­tion. The trend for light­weight con­struc­tions is lead­ing to a re-de­sign of tra­di­tional cast parts as com­po­nents from a forged ma­te­r­ial. Our port­fo­lio ranges from forged an­nu­lus fillers from an alu­minium alloy, brack­ets and bear­ing sup­ports of spe­cial steels or to top lugs (air­craft en­gine hold­ers) of a nickel-based alloy. The feed­stock for our pro­duc­tion is usu­ally an over­size forged part.

Milling and ECM are used for me­chan­i­cal pro­cess­ing. Through an op­ti­mized com­bi­na­tion of processes from our tech­nol­ogy tool­box, we are able to offer eco­nom­i­cal and tech­ni­cally ma­ture so­lu­tions in this field of air­craft en­gine com­po­nents.