The de­vel­op­ment of mod­ern air­craft en­gines is dom­i­nated by ef­forts to in­crease the power den­sity by im­proved, weight-op­ti­mised com­po­nents. Blisks, in­te­grated blades/disks, make an im­por­tant con­tri­bu­tion in com­pres­sors. We rely on our skills in pro­cess­ing disks when man­u­fac­tur­ing blisks – be these pro­to­types or for se­r­ial pro­duc­tion and use our know-how in the pro­duc­tion of aero­dy­namic blade pro­files.

In ad­di­tion to man­u­fac­tur­ing by 5-axis milling, we have also de­vel­oped a spe­cific ECM process that is par­tic­u­larly eco­nom­i­cal with high-strength ti­ta­nium al­loys and nickel al­loys. We often use forg­ings from our own pro­duc­tion for fin­ish­ing.