The de­mands on disks in mod­ern air­craft en­gines are grow­ing steadily. An in­creas­ing ef­fi­ciency calls for higher tem­per­a­tures in air­craft en­gines and thus in­creas­ingly bet­ter ma­te­ri­als that are usu­ally dif­fi­cult to forge.

Our pro­duc­tion pro­gram cov­ers all ro­ta­tion­ally sym­met­ri­cal air­craft en­gine com­po­nents such as full disks, rings, shafts and cones up to a weight of 300 kilo­grams and a di­am­e­ter of 1,100 mil­lime­tres.

After forg­ing on presses by con­ven­tional or isother­mal meth­ods or on coun­terblow ham­mers, the prod­ucts are heat-treated in sev­eral steps and sub­jected to ex­ten­sive, non-de­struc­tive test­ing. We sup­ply the disks ac­cord­ing to the cus­tomer's wishes as forged parts, with an ul­tra­sonic con­tour, al­most final shape or turned to the final con­tour. In co­op­er­a­tion with our works in Nurem­berg we can also sup­ply ready-to-in­stall 'blisks', in other words disks with in­te­grated blades. Air­craft en­gine disks from Leistritz are 'Class 1' avi­a­tion parts and thus sat­isfy the high­est re­quire­ments of our cus­tomers.