Sales Terms



§ 1 General, Conclusion of Contract, Cancellation,Confidentiality

1. All deliveries and services made by us shall be based exclusively upon these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, which shall – lacking special agreement - also apply for future business relationships. Contrary conditions of the Purchaser or conditions differing from our General Terms and Conditions of Sale are not recognised by us unless we have explicitly agreed to their validity in writing. Our General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply even if we have unreservedly accepted the order being aware of contrary conditions of the Purchaser or conditions differing from our conditions.
我方提供的所有交付货物和服务均应排他地基于本通用销售条 款及条件,在没有特别约定的情况下,其也适用于未来的商业关 系。买方如果有相反条款或与我方通用销售条款及条件不同的条 款,除非本公司书面明确承认其有效性,否则本公司不承认该等 条款及条件。我们的通用销售条款和条件也同样适用于:即使当 我们知道买方有相反的条款或者与我们的条款不同(除非我方书 面同意),我们已经毫无保留地接受了该订单。

2. A contract - lacking special agreement - will only be effected with countersigned by our side. Agreements by telephone or verbally and/or ad-justments of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale require our written confirmation. Also the abol-ishment of the written form requires the written form.
在没有特别约定的情况下,只有在得到我方书面回签章时合同才 能生效。通过电话或口头达成的协议和/或对本通用销售条款与条 件的修改需要我们的书面确认。如废除书面形式的要求,也需要 以书面形式做出。

3. If the Purchaser rescinds a legally valid contract, we are entitled, according to Article 113 of the Contract Law of China, to claim the compensation including profit obtainable after the performance of the contract, less possibly saved expenses. We reserve the right to the assertion of further claims.
如果买方解除合法有效的合同,我们有权根据中国合同法第113 条要求赔偿,赔偿额包含合同履行后可以获得的利益,减去可能 节省的费用。我们保留提出进一步索赔的权利。

4. We reserve the right of proprietorship and copyright as well as the right to register label rights or other rights of protection for samples, quotes, drawings and similar information of a tangible and intangible manner - also in electronic form; they shall not be disclosed to third parties nor made available in any other way. We are obligated to make any informationlabelled as confidential by the Purchaser, available to third parties only with the consent of the Purchaser. Third parties shall not include companies associated with us (including companies that control us, are controlled by us or jointly are controlled by the same entity with us).
我们保留样品、报价、图纸及类似有形或无形形式(包括电子 形式)的信息的所有权、版权和注册商标权或其他保护性的权 利;未经允许不得披露给第三方或以任何其他方式向第三方泄 露。对于买方标记为机密的信息,我方有义务只有在买方同意 的情况下才向第三方提供,第三方不包括我方的关联公司(包 括控制我方的公司、被我方控制的公司或者与我方共同受控于 同一实体的公司)。

§ 2 Prices and Payments, Offsetting, Assignation

1. The prices shall apply, lacking special agreement, EX WORKS (INCOTERMS 2000) including loading at the factory, but excluding packaging and unloading. Added to the prices shall be the applicable VAT. If we, as an exception, at the request of Purchaser arrange shipment by a transport agent despite an EX WORKS agreement, we only act in the name and on behalf of the Purchaser without bearing any responsibility for fault of the transport agent. If we, as an exception, take over the freight- and insurance costs, we are entitled to charge premiums in case of events such as force majeure (e.g. war risk, closure of shipping routes).
在没有特别约定的情况下,价格适用工厂交货价(国际贸易术语解 释通则2000),包括在工厂装货,但不包括包装和卸货。价格中应 加上适用的增值税。例外情况下,尽管协议适用工厂交货价,如 果我方应买方的要求,安排由运输代理人装运,我们仅以买方之 名并代表买方行事,对运输代理人的过失不承担任何责任。例外 情况下,如果我们要承担运输和保险,在发生例如不可抗力(如战 争风险、航线关闭)事件时,我们有权收取额外费用。

2. Unless we explicitly offered fixed prices, prices agreed are based on the cost ratio at the time of order. If the delivery of the delivery item occurs more than 4 months after the order, and if the total amount regarding material, energy, procurement or other costs increases up to this day, we are entitled to charge reasonable premiums for the occurred total cost increases based on the original calculation.
除非我方明确提供固定价格,双方商定的价格均以订单发生时的 成本比率为基础。如果交付货物时间在订单达成后超过4 个月, 且截止到这一天相关材料、能源、采购或其他成本的总金发生增 加,我们权根据原始的计算,针对增加的全部费用,收取合理的 额外费用。

3. Lacking special agreement, payment is due without any deduction to our account in the following manner:
如无特别约定,付款将按照以下的方式到期,不得有任何扣除地 付至我方账户:

a. All payments shall be made in advance prior to production or shipment,

Our invoices are due and payable net within 30 calendar days from date of invoice. If the purchaser is in default with a payment, outstanding accounts shall instantly become due and further works regarding the delivery item shall only be conducted against prepayment. We reserve the right to further claims.
我方的发票应在发票开出之日起30 个日历日内到期并且付清。 如果买方拖欠货款,未支付的款项应被视为立即到期,关于交 付货物,我方进一步工作只能在预先收到款项的情况下进行。 我们保留进一步索赔的权利。

4. The Purchaser only has the right to withhold payment or offset with counter claims if his counterclaims are uncontested or are established as legally valid. The Purchaser is only entitled to the assertion of payment- withholding rights based on counterclaims resulting from the same contract-relationship.
只有买方的反诉无异议或者合法有效成立时,买方才有权从付 款中扣除或抵销反诉。买方只有在反诉是基于相同的合同关系 的情况下,才有权主张扣除付款的权利。

5. The right to decline cheques or bills of exchange shall remain reserved. In case of payment by cheque the payment obligation is only fulfilled when the counter value has been credited to our account.
拒绝支票、汇票的权利应当被保留。在通过汇票付款的情况 下,只有在相应金额被存入我方账户后付款义务才履行完毕。

6. If several claims exist against the Purchaser, the setting-off will occur at our discretion based on the criteria of due date, security, cumbrousness and age of the claims.
如果针对买方存在多个索赔,则我方根据索赔的到期日期、担 保、繁重程度、年限等因素判断是否进行抵销。

7. In case of reasonable doubts concerning the solvency of the Purchaser, in particular but not limited to default in payment, we will - irrespective of other legal claims - only deliver against prepayment or collateral security. In this case any open cheques and/or other outstanding claims resulting from the delivery relationship with the Purchaser will become due and payable immediately.
如果对买方的偿付能力有合理的怀疑,特别是(但不限于)拖欠 付款,无论是否有其他法律索赔,我们将只考虑在货款预付或抵 押担保的情况下交付。在这种情况下,任何未支取的支票和/或其 他由于与买方的交付关系而产生未付债权将到期并立即支付。

8. Unless otherwise explicitly agreed to in writing, credit notes and other rebates occur in any case without the acknowledgement of fault or legal obligation.
除非另有明确的书面约定,只有法定义务或确认过失时才能发生 抵消或其他形式的扣款。

9. We are entitled to assign the claims from our business connection. Assignation prohibitions or limitations are herewith vetoed.
我们有权转让与我们业务有关的债权。转让禁令或限制在此被否 决。

§ 3 Term of Delivery and/or Performance, Delay, Force Majeure

1. The term of delivery and/or performance shall be evident from the agreements of the contractual parties. The adherence by us is subject to all commercial and technical questions having been resolved between the contractual parties and that the Purchaser has fulfilled all his incumbent obligations such as for example official certificates or approvals, presentation of drawings/data or payments. If this is not the case, the delivery term shall be adequately extended. This shall not apply if we are responsible for the delay.
交付和/或履行的期限应根据合同方签订的协议确认。我方守约的 前提是所有商务和技术问题已经被合同双方解决,且买方也已履 行他的所有职责,例如,提供官方证书或批准,提供图纸/数据或 付款。如果未能满足这些条件,交货期限会适当延长。但若由于 我方责任导致延误,并不适用此条款。

2. The adherence to the term of delivery and/or performance shall be subject to the correct and timely self-supply by the individual subsuppliers properly and duly appointed by us. We will inform of any impending delays as soon as possible and search for reasonable alternatives in close cooperation with the Purchaser.
对交付和/或履行期限的遵守,需以我方合理且适当指定的次级 供应商能正确及时的交付自备货物为前提。如即将发生任何延 误,我们会尽快通知,并和买方紧密合作积极寻找合理的替代 商。

3. The delivery term shall be deemed fulfilled once the delivery item has left our factory up to the time agreed or readiness for shipment has been announced. As far as an acceptance has to occur, the time of acceptance shall be relevant -except in case of justified acceptance refusal,alternately the notification of readiness to accept.
自产品按照约定的日期出厂或者宣布准备发运时视为交货完 成。若必须经过验收,验收之时应当是完成交货之时,除非发 生合理的拒绝验收,发出准备验收通知视为愿意接受验收。

4. If the non-adherence of the term of delivery and/or performance is due to force majeure (including, but not limited to, general mobilisation, war, terrorism, riots, storm, fire, flood,earthquake, epidemics/ pande-mics,publi-c travel warnings), industrial action (lock-outs, Strikes or other concentrated actions of per-sonnel, either direct or indirect), disturbances of internal operations for which we are not responsible or other events which are outside of our reasonable scope of influence, the term of delivery and/or performance shall be extended adequately. We will inform the Purchaser of the beginning and end of such circumstances as soon as possible.
如果未能遵守交付和/或履行期限是由于不可抗力(包括但不限于 一般动员、战争、恐怖主义、骚乱、风暴、火灾、洪水、地 震、传染病、公共交通警告)、工业行动(禁闭、人员的罢工或其 他直接或间接的集中行动)、非因我责任造成的对内部操作的干 扰及其他在我方合理影响范围以外的其他事件造成,交货期或/ 及履约将相应适当地延长。我方将在发生这种情形的期初及期 末尽快通知买方。

5. The Purchaser may withdraw from the contract if the execution of a part of the delivery of an order becomes impossible and he has a justified interest in the refusal of the partial delivery.But the Purchaser has to pay the contract price equivalent to the partial delivery. This also applies in case of our inability. For the remainder § 8 of this General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall apply. If impossibility or inability occurs during the acceptance delay or if the Purchaser is solely or mainly responsible for these circumstances, he shall remain obligated to payment.
倘若订单的部分交货无法履行并且买方有正当的利益理由拒绝 部分交货,买方可以提出解除合同,但是买方必须支付部分交货 对应的合同价款。这也适用于我们无力履行的情况。其余情况 下,适用本通用销售条款及条件第8 条。如果在验收延迟期间 发生了履行不能或无力履行的情况,或者买方是单独或主要对 这些情况负有责任的,其仍有付款义务。

6. If the Purchaser, after the due date, sets an adequate time limit for us for the performance of the deliveries/service - under consideration of the legal exceptions - and this term is not adhered to, the Purchaser shall be entitled to withdraw in the context of the legal regulations. He shall be obligated to declare in an appropriate timeframe upon our request, whether he is exercising his right of withdrawal.
如果基于法定的例外情形,买方在到期日之后为我方设定了合 理的履行期限,并且该期限没有被遵守,买方有权在法律规定 的范围内解除合同。无论买方是否正在行使解除权,应我方要 求买方应有义务声明适当的时间表。

Further claims resulting from delay in delivery shall be exclusively determined in accordance with § 8 of this General Terms and Conditions of Sale.
因延迟交货而引起的进一步索赔应唯一地按照本通用销售条款 及条件第8 条确定。

§ 4 Transfer of Risk, Acceptance, Delay, Part- and Over-Deliveries

1. The risk shall be transferred to the Purchaser when the delivery item has left the factory, even in case of part deliveries or if we have taken on other services, i.e. delivery costs or supply and assembly. In as far as acceptance has to occur in our factory, this shall be relevant for the transfer of risk. Acceptance has to be exercised immediately at the date of ac-ceptance, alternately upon our notification regarding readiness to accept.
即使是部分交付或我们承担了其他服务,如承担交付成本或供应 和装配,风险也应在交付货物离开工厂后转移给买方。只要在我 们工厂进行验收,风险即转移。验收必须在验收日立即进行,或 在我方通知准备验收之日进行。

2. If an acceptance has to take place, nature, scope and conditions have to be agreed on until conclusion of contract. If Purchaser requests us to perform the required examination, he has to inform us in advance and bear any costs resulting from this. The Purchaser may not refuse acceptance in case of a non-significant defect.
如果必须进行验收,在订立合同前,必须就验收的性质、范围和 条件达成协议。如果买方要求我们进行其要求的检查,他必须提 前通知我们并承担由此产生的任何费用。买方不得在非重大缺陷 的情况下拒绝验收。

3. If shipment and/or acceptance is delayed or omitted due to circumstances, for which we are not responsible, risk shall be transferred to Purchaser from the date of notification of readiness for shipment and/or acceptance. We are obligated, at the request and expense of the Purchaser, to take out an insurance against fire. The Purchaser is at liberty to take out additional insurance himself.
如果装运和/或验收由于非我方责任的情况而延迟或遗漏,风险应 自装运和/或验收准备就绪通知之日起转移给买方。在买方要求并 承担费用的情况下,我们有义务为火灾投保。买方可以自行购买 额外保险。

4. Acceptance shall be deemed effected if Purchaser does not accept the delivery item (or parts thereof) despite acceptance duty within a reasonable period of time set by us. If shipment and/or acceptance of the delivery item is delayed due to reasons, for which the Purchaser is responsible (delay of acceptance), he will be charged, irrespective of other legal claims, commencing 14 calendar days from the notification of shipment and/or readiness to accept all (storage-) expenses incurred due to the delay. Unless the Purchaser can demonstrate a lower damage or no damage at all, these amount to at least 0.5% of the invoice amount for the non-accepted delivery item for each month thereof, however a maximum of 5% of the individual invoice amount. We reserve the right of claiming higher (storage-) expense by providing evidences.
如果买方在我方设定的合理期限内,没有履行验收责任接受交付 货物(或部分),则验收被视为已经完成。如果交货和(或)接受交 货由于买方原因(验收延迟)造成延迟,除了其他合法索赔,买 方将在收到装运通知或准备验收通知14 个日历天后开始被收取 因延误而产生的一切(仓储)费用。除非买方可以证明较低的损失 或根本没有损失,这些费用至少每月是不接受的交付货物的发票 金额的0.5%,最高金额为每张发票金额的5%。我们保留通过提 供证据主张更高费用如仓储费的权利。

5. Part deliveries are admissible as far as reasonable for the Purchaser. Technical deviations of ordered amounts are admissible up to +/-10%, unless this is unreasonable. Deviations concerning dimensions, weight or quality shall be allowed when customary in trade or according to applicable standards. Our calculation shall be decisive.
在对买方合理的情况下,部分交货是可以被允许的。订单金额的 技术偏差允许达到+/-10%,除非这是不合理的。当贸易惯例或符 合适用标准时,应允许尺寸、重量或质量上的偏差。我们的计算 将是决定性的。

§ 5 Reservation of Title, National Security Rights

1. We retain ownership on the delivery item up to the fulfilment of all current and future claims also for possible owing ancillary services arising from the business relationship with the Purchaser.
我们保留对交付货物的所有权,直到因与买方的业务关系产生所 有当前和未来债权都得到履行——同样适用于可能的附加服务。

2. If the Purchaser processes the delivery item prior to the complete payment with other products which do not belong to us, we are owed the ownership on the new product in the ratio of the value of the reserved goods to the other processed goods at the time of pro-cessing, without us incurring obligations hereto.
如果买方在完成付款之前把交付货物与不属于我方的产品一起 处理,我们对新产品享有所有权,所有权份额按照所有权保留的 货物与其他被加工的货物在加工时的价值之比确定,并且不会对 我方产生任何义务。

3. The Purchaser has to treat the delivery item with care and, if necessary, maintain it. The purchaser is obligated to insure the delivery item against theft, fire, water and other usual damages at his expense up to the complete payment of our outstanding claim. If the Purchaser does not provide sufficient proof hereof, we are entitled to insure the delivery item at the expense of the Purchaser.
买方必须小心对待交付的货物,并在必要时予以维护。买方有义 务为交付的货物投保偷窃、火灾、水和其他常见损失险,费用由 其自行承担,直到付清我们的未清偿债权为止。如果买方就此没 有提供足够的证明,我们有权为交付的货物购买保险,费用由买 方承担。

4. In case of conduct contrary to the contract by the Purchaser, especially default of payment, we are entitled to the retraction of the delivery item following a reminder and the Purchaser is obligated to surrender the deliver item. If the Purchaser ceases payments or if insolvency or extrajudicial settlement proceedings are applied for, we are entitled to withdraw from the contract and demand immediate return of the delivery item. The right of retention shall be excluded.
如果买方有违反合同的行为,特别是拖欠付款,我们有权在发出 提示后取回交付的货物,买方有义务交出交付的货物。如果买方 停止付款或进入破产或庭外和解程序,我方有解除合同并要求立 即归还交付的货物。留置权应当被排除。

5. Prior to the complete payment of our outstanding claims the Purchaser may only on-sell and otherwise neither pledge or assign as security the delivery item in the context of proper business operations under reservation of title. In case of distraint as well as confiscation or other official direction by third parties, the Purchaser has to notify us without undue delay. We are also to be informed immediately regarding legal or actual access to the reserved goods by third parties as well as damage or loss.
在我方未清偿债权被付清之前,买方只能在正常的商业运营范围 内销售交付货物,不能对所有权保留货物设定抵押或担保。扣押、 没收或者由第三方发出的其他正式指示,买方必须及时通知我方。 第三方对所有权保留货物的法律或事实上的主张和损失应当立 即通知我方。

6. If permitted by law, the Purchaser assigns to us in advance all claims with regard to the reserved goods from on-selling or other legal grounds due to the Purchaser. If the reserved goods are sold with other products not belonging to us or become the subject of contract work, the assignation only applies in the amount of the invoice value of the reserved goods. The Purchaser is authorised to collect the assigned claims from on-selling until revocation. In the presence of an important reason, especially default of payment, cessation of payment, commence-ment of insolvency proceedings or justified indications for an excessive indebtedness or impending illiquidity of the Purchaser, we are entitled to withdraw the authorisation to collect. On demand the Purchaser has to notice the debtor of the creditor of the assignation.
如果法律允许,买方提前将因转售或其他法律原因导致的与所有 权保留货物有关的所有债权转让给我们。如果所有权保留的货物 与不属于我们的其他产品一起销售或成为合同工作的标的,则转 让仅适用于所有权保留货物的发票金额。买方有权就转让的因转 售产生的债权收取款项,直至被撤销。如有重要原因,特别是拖 欠付款、停止付款、启动破产程序或买方负债过重或即将出现流 动性不足的合理迹象,我们有权撤回收取款项的授权。一经要求, 买方必须将转让的债权人通知债务人。

7. As far as the value of the securities exceeds our claims by more than 15%, we will release securities at our discretion at the Purchaser’s request.
如果担保价值超过我们债权的15%,我们将根据买方要求酌情处 理予以释放担保。

8. As far as the effective protection requires a registration (of our rights or of a security right) or the like according to applicable local regulations at the point of destination of the delivery item, it shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser to determine the legal situation and to notify us accordingly and - in coordination with us - at his expense effect a registration in our favour or take other required steps. If the reservation of title is illegal per se at the point of destination, the Purchaser will, at his expense, procure security rights according to the applicable law.
只要有效的保护需要登记(我们的权利或担保权利)或根据交货目 的地适用的类似规定,买方有责任决定其法律状态并据此通知我 们,与我方协调完成有利于我方的登记或采取其他必要步骤,费 用由其自行承担。如果所有权的保留在交货地是非法的,买方将 自费根据适用的法律实现担保权利。

§ 6 Warranty Claims in case of Quality Defects

1. We are liable for quality defects of the delivery under exclusion of further claims- subject to § 8 of this agreement- as follows:
我们对交付货物的质量缺陷的承担责任,按照如下条款确定(受 本协议第8 条规定的约束):

2. Requirement for any warranty claims by the Purchaser shall be his proper fulfilment of all due inspections and requirement to give notice of defects without delay. Independent of the legally prescribed immed-iate checking and requirement to give notice, claims due to obvious quality defects of the delivery item may not be asserted in any case after 2 weeks from receipt of the delivery item. Transport damages are to be noted on the delivery note and must be confirmed by the driver via his signature.
买方的任何保修索赔要求其正确履行及时检查并及时通知缺陷。 不受法定立即检查并给予通知的要求的影响,在收到交付货物两 周后,不得对交付货物明显的质量缺陷进行索赔。运输损坏情况 应在送货单上注明并须经司机签字确认。

3. In case of delivery according to sample, pattern and/or construction specifications by the Purchaser, warranty claims shall be excluded also in case of concealed defects if the delivery item complies with the sample, pattern and/or construction specifications. If the defect is due to materials supplied by the Purchaser himself, all claims shall be excluded.
如果根据买方的样品、图样和/或施工规范交货,在交付的货物均 符合样品、图样和/或施工规范的情况下,不得针对隐藏缺陷提出 保修索赔。如果缺陷由于买方自己提供的材料造成,所有索赔均 被排除。

4. According to our discretion, all those parts have to be repaired or to be replaced free of charge, which have been proven defective due to circumstances occurring prior to the transfer of risk. We have to be notified of the detection of such defects without delay. Replaced parts shall become our property. If we repair or deliver in the context of a warranty claim, it triggers a new begin of the period of limitation only in respect of the new delivery and/or rectification in case of significant rectification of defect and with the explicit written acknowledgement of a new start of the period of limitation.
根据我们的判断若证明部件因风险转移之前的因素造成瑕疵, 所有这些部件应当被免费修理或更换。发现这类缺陷的通知必 须毫不延迟地通知我们。被更换的部件将成为我们的财产。如 果我们在保修范围内维修或交付货物,只在交付新的货物的情 况下和对重大缺陷进行纠正的情况下重新开始计算期限,同时 需要获得对重新起算期限的明确书面确认。

5. Quality defects in case of software deliveries shall only exist if these a) are reproducible by the Purchaser on the contractually agreed hardware, b) do not just represent insignificant deviations from the respective documentation and c) do not just insignificantly affect the usage.
软件交付中的质量缺陷只有在以下情况下才会存在:a)缺陷在合 同约定的硬件上可以被买方复制,b)质量缺陷不仅仅只代表对各 个文档的无关紧要的偏离和c)质量缺陷显著地影响使用。

6. In case of defect remedy we are obligated to bear all expenses necessary for the defect remedy as far as they are not disprop-ortionately increased due to the delivery item being brought to a place different from the contractually agreed place of delivery. Following a threetime unsuccessful remedy of defect, the Purchaser shall be allowed to withdraw from the individual single order or reduce the purchase price.
在缺陷补救的情况下,我们有义务承担补救措施的所有必要的费 用,只要他们不是由于交付货物被带到与合同约定的交货地点不 同的地点造成费用过度的增加。若经过三次补救仍不能弥补缺陷, 买方应被允许解除该笔订单或降低采购价格。

7. The Purchaser has to provide the necessary time and opportunity for our undertaking of the defect remedy and/or the replacement deliveries after coordination with us; otherwise we are exempt for any consequences arising thereof. The Purchaser has the right to remedy the defect himself or cause the remedy to be effected by a third party at commercially reasonable (third-party) prices and request reimbursement from us regarding the necessary expenses only in urgent cases of danger to the operational safety and/or avoidance of disproportionately large damage, whereby we have to be notified immediately under all circumstances. If the Purchaser or a third party improperly remedies the defect, we are exempt from liability for the resulting consequences. This also applies for alterations to the delivery item without our prior consent.
买方必须在与我方协调后,为我方提供必要的时间和机会进行缺 陷补救和/或替换交付;否则我方对所引致的任何后果均不承担责 任。为了操作安全和/或避免过度的巨大损失,只有在紧急情况下 买方有权自行补救缺陷或委托第三方以商业上合理的价格实施 补救措施,并要求我们对必要的费用进行报销,在这种情况下必 须立即通知我们。如果买方或第三方不恰当地补救该缺陷,我们 将对由此产生的后果不承担责任。这也适用于对未经我们事先同 意交货变更。

8. No warranty and/or liability shall be accepted, in particular - but not limited to - in the following cases: Unsuitable or improper storage or usage, faulty assembly and/or start-up by the Purchaser or third party, natural wear and tear or deterioration, construction in accordance with samples approved by the Purchaser, faulty material and/or tools provided by the Purchaser, faulty or negligible treatment, deviations from operation manuals and operation instructions and/or therein described environmental factors, improper maintenance, unsuitable operating facilities, faulty construction works, unsuitable build-ing foundation,chemical/electro chemical/ electric /cl-imatic influences - unless we are responsible for them.
在以下情况下质保和/或责任不被接受,特别是(但不限于):不合 适或不适当的存储或使用,买方或第三方造成的错误的组装和/或 启动,自然磨损或变质,根据买方批准的样品实施的建造、买方 提供的有缺陷的材料和/或工具,错误或疏忽的处理,偏离操作手 册和操作指示和/或其中描述的环境因素、不当维护、不适当的运 行设施、错误的施工工作、不适当的建筑地基、化学/电化学/电 力/气候影响,除非我们对此负责。

§ 7 Warranty Claims in case of Defect of Title

1. If the usage of the delivery item leads to the infringement of industrial property rights or copyrights in China, we will, at our discretion and at our expense, on principle procure the Purchaser’s right for further usage or modify the delivery item reasonable for the Purchaser in a way that the industrial property rights infringement no longer exists. If this is not possible at economically appropriate conditions or in an adequate timeframe, we as well as the Purchaser are entitled to withdraw from the contract.
如因使用交付货物导致侵犯中国的工业产权或版权,我们会在原 则上确保买方有权继续使用货物或对交付的货物进行合理的修 改以使工业产权侵权不复存在,我方有权决定如何行动,且费用 由我方承担。如果在经济上适当的条件下或在适当的时间范围内 不可能实现,我们以及买方均有权解除合同。

2. Our above-mentioned obligations are-subject to § 8 - final in case of industrial property rights or copyrights infringement. They only exist if
在侵犯工业产权或版权的情况下,我们的上述义务是不可更改的, 但仍受本协议第8 条限制。我方上述义务只有在以下情况时出现:

a. the Purchaser has notified us without delay regarding applied industrial property rights or copy- rights infringement,

b. the Purchaser supports us in the defence against the applied claims to an adequate extent and/or allows us the execution of the modification measures according to § 7 Nr. 1 of this agreement,
买方在适当范围内支持我们对侵权索赔进行抗辩,和/或允许我们 根据本协议第7 条第1 项进行修改;

c. the right to all defence measures (including extrajudicial regulations) is not limited by actions or omissions of the Purchaser,
实施所有抗辩措施(包括法庭之外的方式)的权利不受买方的行为 或不作为的限制;

d. the defect of title is not based on circumstances relating to the Purchaser (i.e. parameter of technical specifications, provision of material, samples and software), and
权利的瑕疵并不基于与买方有关的情况(例如技术规格参数、材料 的提供、样品和软件);和

e. the legal infringement was not caused by the Purchaser arbitrarily altering the delivery item or he has used it in a non-contractual manner.
该法律侵权不是由于买方擅自更改交付货物或者以非合同规定 的方式使用货物造成的。

3. If we are to deliver according to drawings, models, samples, software or under usage of parts provided by the Purchaser, the Puchaser shall be responsible that the copyright or other industrial property rights of third parties are not hereby infringed. The Purchaser has to inform us of all third-party rights. The Purchaser has to exempt us from all third party claims in this regard as well as all related damages (incl. expenses for bringing an action).
如果我们是根据买方提供的图纸,模型,样品,软件或使用买方 部件来交付货物,买方应负责保证不会因此侵犯第三方的版权或 其他工业产权。买方必须告知我们所有第三方权利。买方必须确保我们免除所有第三方在这方面的索赔以及所有相关损失(包括 诉讼成本)。

§ 8 Liability, Exclusion of Liability

1. We shall only be liable for damages occurring within the limitation period according to § 9 which did not occur on the delivery item itself (especially for indirect damages and consequential damages), regardless of the legal ground. Such liabilities shall be limited to one of the following circumstances:
若损害并没有发生在交付货物本身上(特别是间接损害和附带性 的损害),无论法律依据如何,我们只对根据第9 条确定的限制 期限内发生的损害承担责任。我方这种责任仅限于下列情形之一:

a, in case of intent,

b, in case of gross negligence of the owner/the manag-ement body or executive employees,
c, in case of culpable violation of life, body, health,
d, in case of maliciously concealed quality defects,
e, in the context of a guaranty,

f, in case of defects of the delivery item, as far as we are liable according to the law, for damage to persons and private property.
根据法律我方应当承担产品责任的情况下,交付货物的缺陷造成 人员和私有财产的损害。

2. In case of culpable violation of significant contractual duties, the fulfilment of which principally allows the proper execution of the contract according to its content and purpose and in the adherence to which the Purchaser may generally trust (so-called cardinal obligation), we are liable also in case of gross negligence of non-executive employees and in case of slight negligence, in the latter case limited to the reasonably foreseeable damage typical for the contract.
重大合同义务/基本义务是指该义务的履行会导致合同根据其内 容和目的得到适当履行,并且买方通常可能会信任该等义务会得 到遵守。若发生对重大合同义务的应受谴责的违反,在非执行人 员重大过失和轻微过失的情况下我方也应当承担责任,在后一种 情况下责任仅限于针对该合同合理预见的典型损害范围之内。

3. Further claims shall be fully excluded.

4. As far as our liability is excluded or limited, this also applies for personal liability of our employees, wage earners, personnel, repres-entatives and vicarious agents.
只要我们的责任被排除或限制,这也适用于我们的员工、雇员、 人员、代表及代理的个人责任。

§ 9 Period of Limitation

All claims by the Purchaser - for whatever legal grounds - expire within 12 months from the date of receipt and/or acceptance of the delivery item. The legal terms shall apply for compensation claims according to § 8 Nr. 1 a-d and f of this agreement. They shall also apply for quality defects of a building or for deliver items, which have been used in accordance with their usual manner of usage for a building and which have caused its faultiness.
买方提出的所有索赔,无论出于何种法律基础,均在接收和/或接 受交货项目的日期后12 个月内提出。若依据本合同第8 条第1 款a-d 和f 项提出赔偿请求,应当适用法定的期限。法定期限同 样适用于建筑物或者交付货物的质量缺陷,前提是建筑物已经按 照建筑物通常的使用方法进行使用,通常的使用方法造成建筑物 的缺陷。

§ 10 Usage of Software

1. As far as the delivery contains software, the Purch-aser is granted a non-exclusive right to use the delivered software including its documentation. The software is only entrusted to him for the usage on the respective delivery item. The usage of the software on more than one system is prohibited.
如果交付货物包含软件,买方被授予非独家的权利使用交付的软 件,包括其文档。本软件仅授权给买方在各个交付货物上使用。 禁止在多个系统上使用本软件。

2.Without our explicit prior written permission, the Purchaser can not duplicate, adapt, translate or compile it from the object code to the source code.
未经我方明确的事先书面同意,买方不得复制、改编、翻译代码 或将目标代码向源代码进行反向编译。

3. All other rights regarding the software and the documentation, including the copies, shall remain with us and/or the software supplier. The awarding of sub-licenses is prohibited.
关于软件和文档(包括副本)的所有其他权利,均应由我们和/或 软件供应商保留。禁止授权再许可。

§11 Export and Customs Regulations

1. In relationships crossing national bounda-ries the conclusion of contracts and its fulfilment shall be subject to the (timely) granting of a possibly necessary approval by the competent authorities and subject to the absence of embargos and/or other sanctions.
在跨国关系中,双方应履行审查的职责,保证合同的订立和履行 应(及时)获得有管辖权的政府机构的许可,并且应当不受禁运和/ 或其他制裁措施的限制。

2. The Purchaser shall be obligated to provide us without delay with all information and documentation which we request for export approval. Delays caused by export checks or licensing procedures shall override any lead times or deadlines stipulated. If any required licenses for certain items cannot be obtained, the contract shall be considered as not concluded regarding the items in question; because of this and of above-mentioned transgression of deadlines, any claims for damages shall be excluded.
买方有义务及时向我方提供我方要求的所有信息和文件,以获得 出口批准。因出口检查或许可程序造成延误的,规定的交货期或 最后期限应当顺延。如果有任何必要的许可证不能取得的,就有 问题的货物部分,视为合同未订立;由于这一点和上述对最后期 限的违反,任何损害赔偿的要求均被排除。

§12 Data Protection

The Purchaser agrees that his data may be used by us and other companies associated with us (as defined in §1 Nr.4 of this agreement) for the fulfilment of the contract (including but not limited to checking and execution of the order, checking of credit-worthiness, passing on to third parties for the purpose of corporate financing and the debtor management).
买方同意他的数据可能被我们和我方其他关联公司(定义见本协 议第1 条第4 款)用于履行合同(包括但不限于订单的审核和执 行、信用审核、为公司融资和债务人管理的目的而转移给第三方)。

§ 13 Choice of Law, Jurisdiction/Arbitration, Place of Execution

1. The agreement between the Purchasers and us and any matters related to this agreement shall be governed, construed and interpreted by, through and under the laws of the People's Republic of China.
买方与我方之间的协议及与协议有关的任何事项均应由中国法 律管辖及解释。

2. In case of any disputes arising from the interpretation, performance, dissolution or termination of the agreement between the Purchasers and us, either party shall have the right to submit the dispute to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) Shanghai Sub-Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the CIETAC's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
因在解释、履行、解除或终止供应商和我方协议过程中所产生的, 或与该协议有关的任何争议,任何一方有权将争议提交中国国际 经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会,按照仲裁申请时中国国际经济贸 易仲裁委员会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的, 对双方均有约束力。

3. If one of the provisions of this General Terms and Conditions of Sale should be or become void or ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected hereof.
如果本通用销售条款和条件的任何一项规定应该或将要无效,其 余条款的效力不受影响。

4. In case of any discrepancy between the English version and Chinese Version, the Chinese version shall prevail.