
Eth­i­cal con­duct & re­spon­si­ble ac­tion

The Leistritz Group is based on a solid value sys­tem. Re­spon­si­ble be­hav­ior by each in­di­vid­ual, in har­mony with the legal re­quire­ments, our in­ter­nal guide­lines and eth­i­cal/moral prin­ci­ples, is a top pri­or­ity for us. This is doc­u­mented in the Leistritz code of con­duct, which is bind­ing for all com­pa­nies and em­ploy­ees in the Leistritz Group around the world. 

It serves as a guide to ex­em­plary be­hav­ior for our em­ploy­ees. For our con­trac­tual part­ners, it is as­sur­ance of eth­i­cally sound busi­ness prac­tices. The prin­ci­ples of con­duct are the cor­ner­stones of proper deal­ings and a part­ner­ship with our cus­tomers, sup­pli­ers and in­ter­me­di­aries. That's how we re­in­force our ex­cel­lent rep­u­ta­tion. 

The Leistritz Com­pli­ance Sup­port Team as well as the com­pli­ance com­mis­sion­ers in the var­i­ous com­pa­nies and lo­ca­tions world­wide act as con­tact per­sons and su­per­vi­sors. They sup­port our em­ploy­ees to keep a focus on our code of con­duct in the frame­work of our busi­ness ac­tiv­i­ties. After all, each em­ployee has a re­spon­si­bil­ity for the rep­u­ta­tion of our com­pany.

Your contact person

Leistritz Compliance Support Team Leistritz AG